
Around 10% of the population are classified as hypermobile or Generilzed joint hyper-mobility (GJH) and have multiple joints with a larger than normal flexibility. These individuals are able to bend joints beyond a range of motion that is perceived as being normal.

It has been documented that up to 55% of children could be classified as being hypermobile (affecting more girls than boys) As we get older  hypermobility gets less common, falling to around 34% in those aged 20–30 years and  18% in those aged 60 years or older.

Commonly children will demonstrate  this to you as having more bend at the elbows, knees and fingers. Those with hypermobility can also have more flexibility in spinal , shoulder and hip joints.


Why are some people double jointed / hypermobile ?

The tissue that makes up the capsule and ligaments  is more elastic and results in it being stretchier. This allows the joints to move further than the average person.

These individuals may find themselves gravitating to sports and activities that require larger degrees of flexibility e.g gymnastics or dance.

They may also at a younger age may be more predisposed to injuries that involve joints sub-luxing due to a lack of stability at the joint. They rely more on the muscular stabilizers so if they lack strength and control they are at risk of injury.

Typical sites for this type of injury are the patella and shoulder joints. It is not uncommon to see issues or history of patella subluxation, (knee cap dislocation), in hypermobility syndrome.

Risk of injury and hypermobility

Dislocations, subluxations, and sprains are commonly reported in individuals with GJH and it is assumed that the risk of such injuries is magnified during activities that are more physically challenging, particularly where the lower limbs are involved.

Quick screening tests for hypermobility syndrome:

Beighton score for hypermobility.

A Beighton score is a useful research tool to indicate generalised hypermobility. It is straightforward to perform clinically, but a high Beighton score does not mean an individual has hypermobility syndrome. Signs and symptoms also need to be present before hypermobility syndrome can be diagnosed. (see below)

Is there medical significance of being double jointed / hypermobile ?

Apart from musculoskeletal injuries in children and adolescents, there are also conditions that have joint hypermobility as a feature of their presentation. Just because you are hypermobile DOES NOT MEAN you have one of these conditions.

These  conditions are beyond the scope of this blog , but include;

  • Hypermobility associated with pain in more than one area can be categorised as a Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder.

  • Hypermobility is also known to be associated with types of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

  • Marfan’s syndrome.

  • Osteogenesis imperfecta.

What you can do to reduce injury risk if you are hypermobile or “double jointed”.

  • Get assessed to determine if there is hypermobility and determine how it affects you.

  • Posture and functional movement assessment. Addressing how you move and the postures you adopt in common activities through the day can help to take pressure off the joints and get the stabilizing muscles to work better.

  • Improve endurance and build muscle strength to help protect the joints and give them better stability.

If you are concerned about hypermobility and how it may impact you book in to see one of our therapists.


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